With wind power, Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics are the first 100% green Olympic Games

InfraTech enabling approach(es)
Policy, Commercial, Technology, Finance

Photo by Luo Lei on Unsplash
Policy approach(es) used to catalyse investment: Availability of a government-sponsored innovation sandbox
Commercial approach(es.) used to catalyse investment: Adoption of an innovative partnership / risk sharing model
Technology approach(es) used to catalyse investment: A change in technical standards
Finance approach(es) used to catalyse investment: Special loan
Key benefits: |
Scale of deployment: |
The project has an installed capacity of 450MW, accounting for 37.5% of the total installed capacity. At full capacity, the annual power generation of the plant will be about 1.04 billion kWh. |
Project start/end dates: |
Project was connected to the power grid in December 2021 |
Current status of the project: |
Operational |
Beijing Energy’s wind power project in Kangbao County is an energy-saving and renewable energy project supported by a special loan on-lent to China Eximbank by the Ministry of Finance of P.R.C under its sovereign-level loan agreement with the New Development Bank (NDB). The project is a milestone being the first of its kind to be funded by the special loan from NDB with China Eximbank as the implementation agency.
With an installed capacity of 450MW, accounting for 37.5% of the total installed capacity, the project is part of the Zhangjiakou-Beijing Renewable Energy-Powered Clean Heating Demonstration. It has the largest single investment and the highest construction standard of its kind. It was constructed ahead of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics.
The wind power project was connected to the power grid in December 2021. At full capacity, the annual power generation of the plant will be about 1.04 billion kWh, which can save 320,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850,000 tons per year. In addition, it can save a large amount of water used by traditional power plants thereby reducing water pollution.
Note: This case study and all information within was submitted by the Ministry of Finance, China in response to our global call for InfraTech case studies.